Have you ever heard the saying “Live through today to prepare for tomorrow’s battle” or similar euphemism?

Basically we all need to use this phrase as a mantra to create peace and grounding for ourselves when the unexpected things in life “hit us”. And, you know that happens more often then not.

It is TOO EASY to get up, start the day and let our brain’s compulsiveness “pack our schedule” to the max so we feel like we are accomplishing many tasks. But the MOST important task to accomplish is making time for ourselves. When sheduling time for ourselves it’s important to focus on our personal battles; shedding stress, excess calories, building muscle, DEEP BREATHING, moving functionally, SMILING, flushing out toxins, eating mindfully and being thankful. When we do these things, the battle is over because WE HAVE WON and can truly take pride in our accomplishments.

Let this Springtime energy give you all the foresight to prepare for each day’s battles properly. Be present and grounded in your commitment to yourself. Prepare for the daily battle by doing your exercise, yoga, meditation, forest bathing, creative recreation, dancing, routines, etc. That’s when we perform at out best and improve our long term health and well being.

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